There is an ancient Chinese medicine that can help you detox your body through your feet. According to the Chinese system of reflexology, feet have natural energy zones that are connected to every organ system in our body. The experts claim that the detox through your feet can be an effective and easy way to …
Pineapple Juice And Cucumber Can Clean The Colon And Help You Lose Weight…
Unfortunately , one of the most sensitive body organs is the colon. Part of the digestive system, the colon removes body toxins, chemicals, and threatening compounds. However, due to its specific job, the colon is an easy target to a number of diseases. Although modern drugs can get control of things and clean the colon, …
Natural Sleep Remedy: 11 Sleep Inducing Bedtime Drinks To Help You Sleep
We offer natural light to have a quality sleep and become rested, ready to work. there’s a simple remedy that will improve your sleep made only 3 ingredients! Ingredients: This amazing combination will help your body soon be in the “sleeping mode”. It regulates the production of stress hormones, regulating your cortisol levels. Cortisol is …
Here Is What Happens If You Eat Honey with Cinnamon Daily
Honey and Cinnamon combination provides amazing benefits to your health. This great mixture aids to treat many diseases. Even, in research it has been found that honey with cinnamon works as an effective medicine and cures several health ailments. There is no side effect in using honey including for diabetic patients. Benefits of Eating Honey …
Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things (at any age)
These things to stop wearing (as you’ve probably guessed) aren’t external things we wear like makeup, jewelry, a t-shirt, trousers or ties but instead, I’m talking about things we wear on the inside. That’s where the heavy stuff usually lies. If we could let these things go, stop wearing them on our sleeves and our …
Willow bark has been used for centuries as a natural pain reliever. It contains salicin, which was later synthesized and is the active ingredient in aspirin. It’s reputed to relieve pain without the stomach upset chemical aspirin causes, and it’s easier on the liver too. All willow species contain some amount of salicin, so it’s …
How to Dry and Use Lambsquarter
Last year was an unprecedentedly lush and vigorous year for my garden. Well, for the weeds in my garden, anyway. My excuse, if I have one, is that with a toddler and new baby, I hadn’t quite figured out that “mom of 2” thing yet. By the time I did kinda sorta figure it out, …
Just Like Doxycycline: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard
There has been plenty of concern in recent years with the overuse of antibiotics, and the risks that overusing them can bring, even to a normal healthy person. While prescription antibiotics certainly have their place and benefit, overusing them, or using them inappropriately, can contribute to creating a resistance to the medication that was developed …
This Little Weed is one of the Most Useful Medicines on the Planet
This little weed pops up in gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks. Those bushy green leaves and small, stalk-like buds are part of the miraculous plantain. Plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful “nuisance” plants. For hundreds of years, plantain has been used as one of nature’s most powerful medicines, and for …
The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Tonic Ever: Kills Any Infection in The Body!
On the market has appeared drug-antibiotic that can help you to maintain your health. A drug that is one of the most powerful antibiotics cure various diseases and even the worst. The name of this amazing cure is a Master Tonic. This Master Tonic will boost your immune system, improve the blood circulation, aid digestion, …