24 Info Channel

Showing: 1 - 10 of 24 RESULTS

Do Cats Understand Kisses?

Cats do not understand kisses the way we humans do as they show affection, perceive emotions and communicate differently from us. However, some cats may understand that kisses are their owner’s way of showing affection if done regularly.  Cats have unique personalities so how they perceive kisses and whether they like them will vary from one …


8 Reasons Cats Meow at You

There’s nothing more precious than the gentle meow of a cat, but sometimes this meowing could be an indication your cat wants to tell you something. The reason cats meow is to express themselves and their emotions. You should pay attention to their meows so you know what they want. Here are 8 reasons cats …


Why Is My Cat Biting Me When I Pet Them?

We’ve all been there before. You’re lovingly stroking your cat, admiring their infinite beauty, when all of a sudden those claws come out and they react by way of razor sharp fangs. But have you ever wondered why does your cat bite you when you pet them? I’ve got the prime possibilities for you below. …


How To Teach Your Dog The “Quiet” Command

If you have a dog who barks incessantly for whatever reason – to be fed, at the mailman, because he’s bored, to get your attention – you’re probably wishing your dog had an “off” switch. Even if the barking doesn’t bother you, per se, you don’t want to be “that neighbor” with the obnoxious barking dog that …


Top 10 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

Shedding is a completely natural process for dogs and other mammals. It’s how they get rid of damaged or older hair. Some breeds shed excessively in the spring as they lose their heavy winter coat. Dogs that stay indoors all year may shed at a uniform rate regardless of the season. If you brush your …


Why Do Cats Act So Weird After Pooping?

Cats never cease to surprise their humans with their strange behaviors — and their random post-poop zoomies are no exception. If this happens to your cat, you’re not alone. There are a lot of other cats who run away from their litter box after pooping — but there’s no straightforward answer as to why. “There …


25 Reasons NOT to BUY a Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are extremely popular and as an owner of four beauties, we understand exactly why they are. So why on Earth would we tell you not to buy a Maine Coon? You’d better keep reading to find out! Here are 25 reasons that will make you want to own a Maine Coon: They …


The Best Dog Breed for Every Zodiac Sign

You walk into the shelter, lock eyes with “the one” and the next thing you know, you’re frolicking through fields of freshly mowed grass and endless tennis balls with your true love. Except, how are you supposed to know which breed is going to be your best match (or if your current four-legged friend is …