Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does my cat sleep on my feet?” You’re not alone. Many cat owners ask themselves this question. As an owner, I know it makes me wonder what’s going on with my own fluffy feline! Fortunately, I’ve got your back with these 7 reasons why your cat lays at your …
Does Your Cat Sleep With You At Night? Here’s Why They Should
Our cats will do what they want, so not all cats are going to be quick to cuddle up with you when you hit the sack at night. But don’t take this personal, cat lovers. This might only be simply because your cat doesn’t like to get bothered whenever they’re sleeping. And another reason is …
Top 10 Happiest Dog Breeds
Who doesn’t love happy dogs? We know when they are happy because their body language and voices tell us so. They have different barks for different reasons, and they use their barks in intelligent ways. One of the best signals is when their bodies wag all over, and they “laugh” special dog barks when they …
Why Are Some Cats So Talkative?
It could be four in the morning or minutes before dinner, and your cat won’t stop talking. Between the meows, chirps, and chatter, it can be tough to hold up your end of the conversation. Talkative cats love to communicate with their humans. They’re far from shy, and you’ve started to realize that the constant …
How Cats See Human Faces?
Have you ever wondered whether your cat can actually tell you apart from other people? Or whether your cat recognizes you to be a completely different species from itself? Are all those internet memes joking about cats thinking they are superior over humans rooted in actual fact or are they fictionalized depictions of human and …
Her Baby Is Asleep, Now Watch What The Puppy Does… Oh, My Goodness!
Okay, we can all go home now – we have officially found the most adorable video of all time. When you want to record a cute video, all you need is a baby and a puppy. But when you have a sleeping baby and a sleepy puppy you better prepare for cuteness overload. In the …
My 3 Favorite Home Remedies for Fleas on Dogs
Fighting fleas is a frustrating battle that every pet owner will need to face at some point. Dogs are ideal hosts for these little parasites, and even with preventative measures, your pet could still get infested with fleas. If you’re looking for home remedies for fleas on dogs, I have some tips for you. According to …
Any intuitive dog owner can attest to the fact that one of the most beautiful gifts dogs have to offer us is their unconditional love. A dog will always be happy to see you, cuddle you, play — whatever it may be! Dogs will love you because they are loyal and because you are their …
I don’t know about you, but I just love cats and all the weird things they do. And really, to a cat, these behaviors are not weird or silly. It’s just how their little feline mind works. I’m not saying that you have to become a cat to better understand one. You just simply have …
Our cats have some pretty amazing qualities. Their reflexes are astounding, their senses—excluding vision—are far superior to our own, and it seems that there’s a strange sixth sense that cats seem to possess that we sometimes cannot explain. While dogs and other animals sometimes seem to have superpowers in which we cannot fully comprehend, our feline …